Sunday, July 26, 2009

Church at Nazibula

This morning my parents took Mark, Michele, and I along on an outreach to a village church at Nazibula. On the weekends they take groups of college kids out to various churches to give the college students experience and encourage the churches. My parents had never been to this church before - it was started in August of last year. It took us 3 hours of driving on a very bad dirt/sand road - we never made it out of second gear. Just when we were about to turn around because we were sure it was too late and we had already missed the church service (it was almost 11:00) and we were literally in the middle of nowhere, we pulled up to the church. They had heard we were coming, and so hadn't started yet. They quickly cleaned out and prepared the classroom where church was to take place. There were over 85 in attendance - a good number for such a new church. We enjoyed some very spirited singing and lessons from Mark and my dad. Midway through the 3 hour service, some women left the church. Pretty soon my mom could see them (out of the window of the church) plucking the feathers off of chickens, and then cooking them to serve us for lunch. So after the service we were served very fresh fried village chicken, along with samp (hominy - the Zambians eat it with sugar and sour milk - no thank you!) and nshima (dried corn that looks like mashed potatoes when cooked but has no taste). After church I introduced the children to a digital camera - they loved seeing themselves on the screen. Mothers were running up to have me take pictures of their babies, and then would laugh and get very excited when I showed them the picture.

1 comment:

MJH said...

Hey Sara! I hope you, the Broadways, and your parents are are enjoying the quiet house now that the rest of us are all gone. I hope you are all healthy. Enjoy your last week in Zambia with your parents. I hope to see you at Westover when you return. Thanks again to you and your paents for your hospitality.

Tere Hager